Make Way for Me! provides assessment, treatment, consultation, and education for:
Gross Motor and Coordination
crawling, walking, running, jumping, balance, body awareness,
throwing and catching, kicking a ball
Fine Motor
printing, grasping, hand-eye coordination, typing, using scissors, shoe tying
Visual Motor and Perception
using the eyes to direct hand movement (copying from the board,
catching a ball), understanding what the eyes are seeing (discrimination of size and shape, visual memory)
Sensory Processing
regulation, filtering, and understanding of sensations (movement, touch, auditory, oral, visual, smell)
Academic and Workplace
strategies to prepare for the management of workplace/school environment, executive functioning skills, attention/focus
Social Awareness
understanding and use of body language and facial expressions, navigating peer relationships, understanding and recognition of others’ perspectives, overcoming conflict, active listening
Emotional Regulation
identifying emotions, development of tools to support self-regulation,
managing emotions, coping with challenging situations
hygiene, feeding/eating, grooming, dressing, bathing
Autism Services
sensory needs, regulation, engagement and active participation for school and home